Help Sean Write A Book!
For years now Sean has been asked repeatedly each year when he is going to write a book. Every year at convention the same thing is said, he wants to do it, and hopes to get it done. Each convention season we end determined that this is the year the parenting book will be written. But it always comes down to the same thing, making it through each winter is always tremendously difficult for our family, and so Sean is kept busy trying to keep us making it until the next convention season starts.
This year we went away together for a weekend, and Sean actually has the outline for the book done, the chapters lined out, and a clear vision in mind for the parenting book. Once again though, trying to take time off from other work for a few months is a challenge.
We have an interesting business, as we are not an actual ministry based business like some families we know. Yet the thing that keeps us going in what we do is because we are ministry minded. All the testimonials from others at conventions and the emails we get saying how much Sean’s parenting talks has completely transformed how they parent, we keep going because of this.
We decided to put this out in faith and ask for your prayers, and if possible, your support. Our end of the year business sales are going on, so by purchasing a homeschool planner, Character Badges, or Chalk Full of Design chalkboards, you will help support us through the next few months and give us enough breathing space where Sean can pull away, lock himself up in the shop and write. We desperately want to make this book happen, and have begun wondering if there is actual opposition against it happening as we just can’t seem to make it happen.
Sean's goal in writing a book is to help parents to avoid the mistakes he made as a young father and to inspire them to look up to find the answers to the challenges they face in raising their children. He also wants to speak a word of courage to parents as so many dismiss and even deride what they're attempting to do. It's true - being a parent comes with many, many moments of doubt and frustration, no doubt aided by the jeering of the world. But in truth it is among the greatest and most important - if not the most important - thing we will ever do.
If you would like to donate financially, you can do so here, just please be aware it's not a tax free donation.