Consistently monitor and correct poor behavior
Do you feel like all you do is yell and issue idle threats when your child misbehaves? Or how about the times where you do nothing because you just can't think of the right consequence? The Disobedience Chart is here to help.
This dry-erase chart is designed to help you correct misbehavior more consistently and effectively. It also provides you with a visual snapshot of areas in your child's character that may need attention. It covers the following 10 areas of poor behavior:
Bad Manners
Back Talking
Mean Behavior
There are even 2 empty slots for you to list specific areas you'd like to focus on. A series of 12 boxes follows each of these categories.
How It Works
Whenever your child misbehaves in one of these categories, you can tell them they get a "check". If the check is placed in an empty space (we call these "grace spaces"), there is no consequence. However, if the check is placed in space with a “C” in it (or a “consequence space”), they do receive a consequence. These consequences are pre-determined by you and written on their Consequence Chart (sold separately).
(Note: We recommend simple consequences that are not too elaborate or harsh to help ensure that you'll follow through with them). The yellow, orange and red sections on both the Disobedience Chart and the Consequence Chart allow you to assign consequences that become more strict if your child persists in their misbehavior.
Used together, the Disobedience Chart and Consequence Chart can help take the guesswork out of correction and make you a more consistent (and calm!) parent.
Recommended for children ages 5–13
Chart size: 11"x8.5"
Works hand-in-hand with the Consequence Chart (sold separately)